While preparing for examination, be committed and avoid laziness. Stay away from the talks of people around you. It doesn't matter how many times you attempted an examination to finally become successful. Yes, it matters that you achieved success finally.
Remember -
"सफल होते ही दुनिया आपके भीतर अनेक खूबियां ढूँढ लेती है, और असफल होते ही हज़ार कमियाँ । लेकिन संघर्ष के "अंधेरे" से अपने हौंसले "कमजोर" न होने दें क्योंकि वक्त का "ग्रहण" तो "सूरज" और* "चांद" भी झेलते हैं..."
In the era of Technology, it is very
easy to learn with the availability of learning resources, a lot of books,
newspapers, magazines, internet full of Digital Media platforms and education
channels. Every expert is now online to clear the doubts of the students
without charging a single penny.
Video Courses for IAS Aspirants:
There are recorded video courses
available online to watch and prepare for the examination. The lecture series
are being prepared in the form of e-content to help the students get more
interactive sessions while discussion with the faculties. With the viruses
affecting life of students like Covid-19, the students are preferring to watch
video courses and learn with self-study approach. In live classes, students
have opportunities to raise the queries whenever required.
Assignments, Notes, Online Tests:
High quality video
content with constant support of faculties, speakers, experts followed by
Assignments, Notes, monthly compilations, and Online Tests; have become so
supportive to make the students get success in an easiest way. Evaluation of
tests also done in time-bound effective manner so that the students can also
learn from it.
Self-Evaluation Methods:
The exercises and assignments are
available to check and evaluate self at regular intervals. The parents can also
constantly check the progress of their children through the portal with
facilities to attempting assignments of learning and exercises, test series
There are mock test series available
and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with answers. The students preparing for
competitive examinations can easily prepare through answering the MCQs. The
comprehensive current affairs content for preparing of IAS examination, IPS
examination, UPSC examinations and getting success is not an easy way.
Strategy for getting Success in Examination:
There are a lot of coaching academies
with great resources, faculties in Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR) and
most of the students taking rooms on rent, P.G. accommodation in nearby
locations to prepare with determination and commitment. But it is must to adopt
strategy to get win-win situation in shorter duration of preparation.
Each academy has its feedback system
which provides how the students feel after joining and attempting examinations
with the help of the academies.
Online Classes:
Live classes online in virtual mode
with interactions with the expert faculties are very convenient. There are apps
available to record the live discussions and repeat the learning whenever
required. The study material, magazines, books, test series, and quizzes to
help the students in enriching their knowledge to the extent possible; made the
things complicated with the competition. In such scenario, what tips can be
useful to qualify or clear the UPSC examinations.
Tips for Effective Learning During Study Hours:
It is generally found that a student
who studies for only two hours daily score more than a student who studies for
four hours. Why the students who studies for more duration, sometimes not
become able to score high? Definitely the study hours are required to achieve
success but at the same time; it is must to ensure proper study environment
during the study hours. There are many factors affecting the outcome of study
(1) Use of Study
Table and Chair:
Sometimes, the kids try to learn
lessons after lying on the bed. No doubt it is more relaxable, but it is human
tendency that the sleep comes after lying on the bed. Therefore, the kids start
to take sleep along with the study and it is injurious for their health as
पढाई हमेशा कुर्सी-टेबल पर बैठ कर ही करें , बिस्तर पर लेट कर बिलकुल भी न पढ़े । लेटकर पढने से पढ़ा हुआ दिमाग में बिलकुल नही जाता , बल्कि नींद आने लगती है ।
(2) Noise during
Study Hours:
The environment should be provided for
proper study in the study room. The students may opt to sit below a tree
wherever there is lack of noise to disturb them. Even it is normally seen that
the student studies along with watching Television or Internet or listening
music on Radio/FM etc.
पढ़ते समय टेलीविजन न चलाये और रेडियो या गाने भी बंद रखे । पढाई के समय मोबाइल स्विच ऑफ़ करदे या साईलेंट मोड में रखे ।
(3) Mind Retention
during Study Hours:
More the focus, more the learning. The Focus is so important because it is the gateway to all thinking: perception, memory, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. Without good focus, all aspects of our ability to think will suffer.
Here's a simple reality: if we can't focus effectively, we can't think effectively.
The concentration power decides the
mind retention of a student. It is must to give 100% to study during the study
hours and for this purpose, it is required to prepare the hand notes after
study which can also be used in future for repetition.
पढ़े हुए पाठ्य को लिखते भी जाये इससे आपकी एकाग्रता भी बनी रहेगी और भविष्य के लिए नोट्स भी बन जायेंगे ।
(4) Repetition of
The students must go through the
syllabus of the examination and try to include emerging terms in it. कोई भी पाठ्य कम से तीन बार जरुर पढ़े ।
(5) Learn with Proper
Thought Process:
The study should be done after
understanding the concept and it should not be tried to learn the study
material without in-depth understanding. रटने की प्रवृत्ति से बचे, जो भी पढ़े उस पर विचार मंथन जरुर करें ।
(6) Brief Study Notes
for Success:
The students must prepare brief study
notes in their own style so that the whole work can easily be repeated in
शार्ट नोट्स जरुर बनाये ताकि वे परीक्षा के समय काम आये ।
(7) Validation of
Learning during off-hours of Study:
Once learned, the study material should
be interacted after the study hours. The learning should be taken seriously to
improve the behaviour accordingly. पढ़े हुए पाठ्य पर विचार -विमर्श अपने मित्रो से जरुर करें, ग्रुप डिस्कशन पढाई में लाभदायक होता है।
(8) Study after
selection of Important Topics for Examination:
It is must to choose and select the
important topics as per the prescribed syllabus and learning environment. The
important topics should be provided more time than the other topics which are
not more significant.
पुराने प्रश्न पत्रों के आधार पर महत्वपूर्ण टोपिक को छांट ले और उन्हें अच्छे से तैयार करें ।
(9) Proper Diet and
Adequate Sleeping Time:
The sound mind sustains in a healthy
body. To improve the capacity of mind and body it is must to take proper diet
and adequate sleeping time for relaxation.
संतुलित भोजन करें क्योंकि ज्यादा भोजन से नींद और आलस्य आता है , जबकि कम भोजन से पढने में मन नही लगता है ,और थकावट, सिरदर्द आदि समस्याएं होती है ।
(10) Use of Graphs,
Diagrams, Charts, and other Tools:
The learning can be further enhanced by
using graphs, diagrams, charts and other images. The use of such tools make the
learning easy and long-lasting.
चित्रों , मानचित्रो , ग्राफ , रेखाचित्रो आदि की मदद से पढ़े । ये अधिक समय तक याद रहते है । पढाई में कंप्यूटर या इन्टरनेट की मदद ले सकते है।
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