English Questions for Competitive Examinations - I
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The English for
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English Questions for Competitive Examinations |
Vocabulary - Important Words
Meaning: Synonyms: Antonyms: Example Sentence:
1. PRODIGY (NOUN): person or thing that is extraordinary
whiz, wunderkind
imbecile, normal
Sentence: Maria could play the piano at age 5, many people considered her to be
a prodigy.
2. PROLOCUTOR (NOUN): the person in charge of proceedings
administrator, chairperson
guest, onlooker
Sentence: He was twice the prolocutor of the lower house of convocation for the
province of Canterbury.
3. SKIRT (NOUN): border
Synonyms: hem,
interior, center
Sentence: The dust skirted near the window panes.
4. MUSHROOM (VERB): sprout / grow quickly
flourish, shoot up
shrink, decrease
Sentence: Although this plant is popularly termed the "meadow
mushroom," it never as a rule grows in meadows.
5. RAMIFY (VERB): divide
bifurcate, divulge
abridge, combine
Sentence: These plants ramify early and get to be very large.
1)Negate (Verb)
(नकारना): ne-gate
- to cause something to be ineffective; to nullify
Synonyms - contradict, refuse,
Antonyms - Confirm, support, acknowledge
Sentence - Even though the basketball
player had a lot of turnovers during the playoffs, it does
not negate the fact he was the team hero throughout the regular
2) Leapfrog (Verb) (छलांग ) :
- to move ahead of or beyond (someone or something) in a very
quick and sudden way.
Synonyms - Jump, stay ahead
Example - Skipping his last two years of
high school, he leapfrogged his classmates and went to college
3) Abatement (Noun) (कमी) :- uh-beyt-ment
- reduction or weakening or something
Synonyms -lessening, decrease, reduction
Antonyms- accumulation, increase, increment
Example - The abatement of
the prisoner’s sentence angered many citizens.
4) Mantle (Noun) (महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका) :
- the obligations or authority associated with an individual’s duties,
title, or personal beliefs
Synonyms - responsibilities, obligations,
Example -Fed up with the stress that came
with the mantle of his office, the prime minister resigned from his
5) Predicated (Verb) (आधार, आश्रित): pred-i-cat-ed
-founded upon a belief or argument
Synonyms - affirmed, alleged, asserted
Example - The jury’s verdict
was predicated upon the evidence presented in court.
6) Mitigate (Verb) (शमन , कमी करना): mit-i-gey-shun
Meaning -make
less severe or painful
Synonyms -: alleviate, relieve, ease
Antonyms - bully, aggravate, intensify
Example - The United Nations will try
andmitigate the crisis between the two countries.
7) Pursued (Verb) (पीछा करना) - pur-sued
- to follow urgently / to aim for
Synonyms - chased, followed
Antonyms - avoided, preceded
Example - The cops had
to pursue the suspect until they were able to capture him.
8) Template (noun) (खाका ): tem-plit
- something that serves as a model for others to copy.
Synonyms - guide, blueprint
Antonyms - novice, beginner
Example - The deal is likely to
provide a templatefor other agreements.
9) Paradigm (Noun) (मिसाल): par-a-digm
- a typical example or model of something
Synonyms - model, archetype,
Example - After the terrorist attack,
the government created a new paradigm for domestic security.
Choose the correct noun in brackets.
1. She
ate three slices of ( bread/breads ).
2. (
Exercise/Exercises ) is good for all of us.
3. She
usually travels with a lot of ( luggage/luggages ).
4. You
have to use three eggs and two cups of ( flour/flours ).
5. If
you have finished, I'll give you more ( work/works ) to do.
We'll have ( fruit/fruits ) for dessert.
7. Can
you get me some ( chalk/chalks ) from the office ?
8. For
your ( information/informations ) the rooms on the right are all reserved.
9. The
aim of the school concert is to encourage local ( talent/talents ).
I'll give you my ( opinion/opinions ) after I've heard both your stories.
1. She
ate three slices of bread.
Exercise is good for all of us.
3. She
usually travels with a lot of luggage.
4. You
have to use three eggs and two cups of flour.
5. If
you have finished, I'll give you more work to do.
We'll have fruit for dessert.
7. Can
you get me some chalk from the office ?
8. For
your information the rooms on the right are all reserved.
9. The
aim of the school concert is to encourage local talent.
I'll give you my opinion after I've heard both your stories.
Correct the errors
Wherever the
nouns are not correctly pluralized, it is required to correct the errors.
There were Indian, Chinese and Malay dances troupes in the cultural show.
2. We
appreciate the comments from the non-members students.
3. Many
tapes recorders appear in the market every year.
4. I do
not like our system of education because it is too examinations-oriented.
5. My
principal is very proud of the two new resources rooms in my school.
Those three ladies in my house are my sister-in-laws.
7. I'm
crazy about stamps and for my birthday, I was given five stamps albums.
8. What
kind of computers books are you looking for ?
There are several kinds of hairsbrush for you to choose from.
10. I
wish there were more bedsrooms in my house.
There were Indian, Chinese and Malay dance troupes in the cultural show.
2. We
appreciate the comments from the non-member students.
3. Many
tape recorders appear in the market every year.
4. I do
not like our system of education because it is too examination-oriented.
5. My
principal is very proud of the two new resource rooms in my school.
Those three ladies in my house are my sister-in-law.
7. I'm
crazy about stamps and for my birthday, I was given five stamp albums.
8. What
kind of computer books are you looking for ?
There are several kinds of hairbrushes for you to choose from.
10. I
wish there were more bedrooms in my house.
Learning with Examples:
What is difference between Fewer and Less?
It is fact that people become confused most of the time while using Fewer and Less because both are used for comparison. But there is little difference in applying the both.
The FEWER is used with countable nouns (such as friends, books, cups); for example:
"There are fewer cups available in the kitchen".
The LESS is used with uncountable nouns (such as bread, money, milk). For example: "I have less property than you".
Further, as an exception, Less could also be used with countable nouns ONLY WHEN the noun refers to some sort of a distance, amount or time. For example, "Less than two weeks" or "Less than three grams".